The 2016 Book Festival has come to a close. We hope you were able to attend an author event or two or three and that you enjoyed yourself.

The Committee extends its thanks to all the people who make this enormous undertaking possible—especially the volunteers, the sponsors, the venues, and the authors themselves.

Until next time, keep on reading and writing and sharing….

2016 Authors

Melissa Gorzelanczyk
Virginia Athey
Laurel Bastian
Jim Beard
Laurin Belig, M.D.
Gary Beyer
Jim Busha
Susanna Calkins
Liam Callanan
James Campbell
Stephen Coss
Chris Czarnik
Bruce Dethlefsen
James DeVita
Patrick Dewane
Terry Fisk
Jonathon Friesen
Abby Frucht
Linnea Garcia
Johanna Garton
Ann Garvin
Brittany Gibbons
Neal Griffin
John Hildebrand
B.J. Hollars
Christopher Jossart
Thomas Kunkel
Ann Lewis
Patty Loew
Wayne Martin
Carine McCandless
Freesia McKee
John Jackson Miller
Pat Zietlow Miller
Jacquelyn Mitchard
Judith Claire Mitchell
José Ángel N.
W. Nikola-Lisa
Miranda Paul
Michael Perry
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
Alan Prahl
Rita Mae Reese
Walter Rhein
Vicki Robin
Karyn Saemann
Gavin Schmitt
David Sheff
Sharon Short
Kathryn Springer
J. Ryan Stradal
Liv Svanoe
Jill Swenson
Liz Tolsma
Stacy Tornio
Eliot Treichel
Steel Wagstaff
Ronald Wallace
Jonathan Waterman
Mary Wieczorek
Beth Ziarnik
Rob Zimmer