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My 10-year Journey to Overnight Success
October 16, 2021 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm CDT
Life imitates art. Like her protagonist Lakshmi in, The Henna Artist, Joshi surmounted hurdles large and small during her grueling 10-year journey to bestselling success with, The Henna Artist. Joshi wrote her debut novel for her mother, reimagining a more independent life for Sudha, who had an arranged marriage at 18 and three children by 22, never having had the choice to complete college or choose a career. Her mother’s death two years into the project, 30 drafts as she learned how to construct a novel, and the book’s release at the start of the global pandemic meant she had to switch gears often and reimagine her life as a full-time novelist at 62.
Register for the live virtual event through Zoom HERE! The event will be livestreamed to the Fox Cities Book Festival’s Facebook page and a recording will be available to watch after.